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Tanz mit dem Tiger 
ROXY‘s AR digital dance live performance
2021 July-September, at LABOR of ROXY Ulm, Germany

As a Distant Digital Dance Maker, I was engaged by ROXY - TanzLabor.


Tanz mit dem Tiger‘s live performances dissolved the stage-audience distance: per performance, up to ten people can literally immerse themselves in the performance. With the help of tablets, the participants move in the space between the “digital dancers” in the form of their avatars and the real events. Premiere 03.09.2021 18:30 Following performances 4.09.,5.09.,10.09.,11.09. und 12.09.2021, always at 18:30, 19:30 and 20:30 (CET).


A Production from @TanzLabor.Ulm and @ROXY.ULM in collaboration with @widerstandundsoehne and funded by @wissenschaftsministerium_bw 

Artistic director / Choreographer: Pablo Sansalvador @pablosansalvador 

Music & Sound Design : Max Levy @maxmlevy 

3D Digital Animator: Guido Stuch  @guidostuchphoto 

Software designer and coder: Alpay Artun @derabbay 

Production Manager: Raphaëlle Polidor @raphaellepolidor 

Dramaturg: Sandra Schumacher @sanderina_15 

Live dancers: 

Claire De Caluwe, Amsterdam @clairedecaluwe 

Miguel Toro, Saarbrücken  @migueltorochoreography 

Distant Digital Dance Makers: 

BRASIL Claudia Nwabasili & Roges Doglas @ciapenomundo 

HONG KONG: Zelia ZZ Tan @zelia_zz_tan 

USA : Kelsey Paschich @paschichkelsey @project_whitewall 

Graphic design: @forever.designbuero 


More information in German:

A short article and video about this international collaboration:

A review by Lu Shiya on The Theatre Times:

Know ZZZT more through other creations

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©️2015-2025 by Zelia ZZ TAN

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